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WLab榮獲 2024 IEDMS 研討會 金獎/銀獎/海報獎

吳添立教授團隊WLab參與2024 IEDMS,獲得IEDMS金獎/銀獎/海報獎等數個獎項。

IEDMS 金獎: H.-J. Ho, Y.-C. Chen, and T.-L. Wu, "Demonstration of High Voltage (>2000V) GaN-on-SiC/Si MIS-HEMTs with the Stable Dynamic on-resistance up to 1500V"

IEDMS 銀獎: Y.-S. Huang, W.-C. Lin, Y.-S. Hsiao, C. Sung,T.-L. Wu, B.-Y. Tsui, "Investigation of Threshold Voltage Shift and Subthreshold Swing under Positive Gate Bias Stress in SiC Planar VDMOSFETs"

IEDMS 優良海報獎: M.-C. Tsai, Y. Yang, T.-L. Wu, "Investigation of the Off State and Semi-on State Degradations in RF Schottky HEMTs"

IEDMS 優良海報獎: C. Sung, W.-C. Lin, Y.-S. Hsiao, W.-C. Yu, Y.-K. Hsiao, C.-L. Hung, H.-C. Kuo, C.-C. Tu, and T.-L. Wu, "Impacts of the Time-to-breakdown Criteria on the Gate TDDB SOA in SiC MOSFETs With Planar and Trench Gate Structures"

IEDMS 優良海報佳作獎: T.-C. Lo, Y.-T. Lee, Z.-H. Huang and T.-L. Wu, "Temperature and Field Plates Dependent Dynamic RON Increment in p-GaN HEMTs"

恭喜昕柔、怡蓁 、詠姍、韋呈、育昇、宋晟、孟哲、楊弋、鼎峻、昱霆、振鴻!

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